Saturday, 1 May 2010

Racing For Change Free Entry Week Doncaster 30.4.10

(Smile for the Camera: In the parade ring for race three at Doncaster)

Doncaster Racing For Change

The free entry to Doncaster Racecourse yesterday was met with mixed feelings. Locals feel that Racing For Change are changing this sport...of course they are. But Racing For Change are struggling to change the right things. Attracting more people to the races is one thing, but attracting them to the racing once they are there is something else.

Yesterday at Doncaster there were people with binoculars and Racing Post's, people with high heels and glasses of champagne, and people with pushchairs and picnics. It was good to see that all kinds of people had been allowed into the grandstands and everyone was welcome. But once again, like Haydock less than a week ago, there were difficulties in attracting people to the saddling up area and the parade ring. In all fairness the weather in Yorkshire did not help matters, an overcast sky filling the area with drizzle could excuse some people from venturing too far from the shelter of the grandstands. However, as I wandered into the refreshments area underneath the stands I was shocked to discover just how many people were there. It reminded me of the Manchester Evening News arena before a sell out event. Everyone standing around with plastic cups filled with pink wine or Stella and dresses only suitable for marital occasions and the county enclosure as far as the eye could see. Yes, people are going to the races, but the racing is minor entertainment. The toilets were reminiscent of a motorway service station after the V-Festival, or half time at a football match. The way out was through a damp cloud of cigarette smoke and cast aside plastic plates with half eaten meals on them.

It is true, Racing For Change took the initiative and allowed free entry to the racecourse, unfortunaltely it is also true that with it not much changed. More emphasis on actual horse racing is required, people need to be informed and this sport needs to be sold as an exciting, wonderful attraction. The possibilities of creating proper seasons and climaxes of these seasons should be discussed. Maybe a one off horse racing tournament is required, someone said this week that not enough emphasis was placed on the champion jockey and champion trainers table. This could be marketed in a similar way that the Formula One Racing is. Advertisements on who leads the table and who are the challengers could be shown on television to generate intrigue from potential viewers.

I am sure this is what Racing For Change is attempting and sure, it will take a long time to achieve it. It remains to be seen whether or not the free racing week has had any lasting effect, but it can only be a positive sign that improvements are at hand.

(Racing...for a change: The thrill of the chase at Doncaster)

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